Section I: The Virtues of Fasting, Ramadan, Night of Destiny (Laylat al-Qadr)

Firstly: Virtues of fasting Ramadan

1- Sins are expiated through it 
2- One of the reasons of forgiveness 
3- One of the reasons of admittance to Paradise.

Secondly: Qualities of Ramadan 
The Qur'an was revealed in it Other divine books were also revealed in it The gates of Paradise open during it, the gates of the Hellfire close, and the devils are chained `Umrah therein is equal to performing Hajj in reward In it is a night that is better than a thousand months

Thirdly: Night of Destiny, [787] There are a number of potential reasons why it is called Laylat al-Qadr. The most important of those are: it is due to its nobility and greatness, from qadr, meaning value. It is also said that all that is to take place in the year is pre-ordained on that night, qadr from destiny. It is also said that it is due to standing in prayer in it have a great reward, qadr `azim. its virtue, what is legislated in it, and its time
1. Virtue of the Night of Destiny:
a) The Qur'an was revealed in it.
b) Allah, exalted, ordains all that will be in the year during it.
c) It is a blessed night.
d) Worship in it is better than worship for a thousand months.
e) Jibril and the Angels descend in it with goodness and blessings.
f) The night of Destiny is peace.
2. That which is legislated in the Night of Destiny:
a) Praying in the night: Standing in prayer throughout the might is legislated for the Night of Destiny.
b) Seclusion: Secluding oneself for worship is legislated for the Night of Destiny. The Prophet ﷺ used to seclude himself in the mosque for the last ten nights seeking out the Night of Destiny and its blessings.
c) Supplication: Supplicating Allah and seeking closeness to Him, exalted, is legislated in the Night of Destiny.
d) Righteous actions: All forms of obedience and righteousness are legislated in this night.
3. Time of the Night of Destiny and Its Signs:
a) The time of the Night of Destiny: The Night of Destiny is in the last ten nights of Ramadan, and it is closer to being in the odd nights than in the even. This is the position of the Shafi`is, Hanbalis, a position among Malikis, the choice of Ibn Taymiyyah, al-San`ani, Ibn Baz, and Ibn `Uthaymin.
b) Whether it is fixed or alternating: The Night of Destiny is not fixed to a particular night, rather it alternates within the last ten annually. This is the position of the majority: Malikis, Shafi`is, Hanbalis, and the majority of scholars.
c) The remaining of the Night of Destiny: The Night of Destiny remains to this day, and will remain until the Day of Resurrection. Consensus has been quoted on this by al-Nawawi.
d) The sign of the Night of Destiny: One of the signs of the Night of Destiny is that the sun rises on its morning clear, without rays.