Section II: Charity on Camels

Firstly: Nisab on camels from 5 to 120
1- The nisab for 5 to 9 camels is one sheep.
2- For 10 to 14 camels it is two sheep.
3- For 15 to 19 camels it is three sheep.
4- For 20 to 24 camels it is four sheep.
5- For 25 to 35 camels it is a one-year old female camel, [875] Bint al-makhad and Ibn al-makhad: are a female and male one-year old camel respectively. and if not available then a male two-year old camel. [876] Ibn labun: is the son of the she-camel when he completes two years and is in his third. The female s referred to as Ibnat labun.
6- For 36 to 45 camels it is a female two-year old female camel. [877] Hiqq: is the three-year old camel who is in his fourth year. The female is known as hiqqah.
7- For 46 to 60 camels it is a three-year old female camel. [878] Jadha`ah: is the young four-year old female camel who has entered his fifth year. Jadha` is the name of the male.
8- For 61 to 75 camels it is a four-year old female camel.
9- For 76 to 90 camels it is two two-year old female camels.
10- For 91 to 120 camels it is two female four-year old female camels.
Consensus has been quoted over this by: Ibn al-Mundhir, Ibn Hazm, Ibn Rushd, and al-Nawawi.
- Giving camel instead of the wajib sheep:
It is sufficient to give a she-camel (naqah) instead of sheep for camels that are less than twenty-five. This is the position of the majority: Hanafis, the correct position of the Malikis, the position of the Shafi`is, and a derived position among Hanbalis.

Secondly: Nisab of more than 120 camels
If the number of camels owned exceeds 120, then in every fifty camels one three-year old female camel is wajib, and in every forty camels one two-year old female camel is wajib. This is the position of the majority: Malikis, Shafi`is, Hanbalis, and the majority of scholars.

Thirdly: What is wajib between 121 and 129 camels
If the number of camels owned is between 121 and 129 then the charity upon that is three two-year old female camels. This is the position of the Shafi`is, Hanbalis, Zahiris, [879] Except that they also said that this is the case even if there is more than 120 camels by some male or female camels. a position among Malikis, the position of a group from the Salaf, chosen by Ibn `Abd al-Barr, Ibn Baz, and Ibn `Uthaymin.

Fourthly: Tabulated legal charity on camels
Wajib Charity
Number of Camels
No Charity
1 sheep
2 sheep 10-14
3 sheep
4 sheep
1 female 1yo camel
1 female 2yo camel
1 female 3yo camel
1 female 4yo camel
2 female 2yo camels
2 female 3yo camels
3 female 2yo camels
1 3yo and 2 2yo fem camels
2 3yo and 1 2yo fem camels
3 female 3yo camels
4 female 2yo camels
And so on with one 2yo for every forty, and one 3yo for every fifty.

Fifthly: Charity on Extras within Class Widths
- Defining extras:
Awqas: is the plural of waqas or waqs, and it refers to that which is between two nisab. For example, there is one sheep for five camels, but nothing on any extras between five and nine. Likewise, two sheep for ten camels, but nothing for any extras until fourteen. Al-Shafi`i and others used it as what is less than the next nisab. What is true regardless, is that there is nothing on these so-called extras. 
- Ruling of extras:
There is nothing to be given for extras, and this is by agreement of the four schools of jurisprudence, [880] There are three narrations for Abu Hanifah regarding extras of cows: the first is that there is nothing upon it until it reaches sixty, the second is that whatever exceeds forty needs to be calculated until sixty, and the third is that there is nothing on extras until there are fifty cows, in which case there is a musinnah and a quarter and a third of a tabi`. and it is the position of the majority of scholars.