Definition: The Arabic word Raj’ah means returning, and in Islam, the term is used to refer to the case where the husband takes back his wife during her waiting period after he has issued a revocable divorce without the need to conduct a marriage contract.
2. The ruling of taking wife back and the bride price, the ruling of divorce, Dhihaar, and Li’aan for the
a. The ruling of taking the wife back: The scholars are in consensus that if a man divorces his wife after he has consummated the marriage and the divorce was not issued in lieu of compensation, he can take his wife back during the waiting period [161] The general rule is that it is permissible to take the wife back. However, the ruling can change depending on the situation i.e., it can be obligatory or recommended, as scholars differed on it, if the woman is divorced during her menses or postnatal bleeding period. The ruling can be forbidden if taking back the wife is intended to harm her, and it is recommended if the spouses regretted their decision and wished to return back to each other. It is liked if it is likely that the man will not treat his wife properly. if the divorce was the first divorce or the second divorce. The consensus is transmitted by Ibn al-Munthir and al-Ghazaalee.
b. The ruling on the bride price if the husband takes back his wife: The scholars are in consensus that the woman is not entitled to the bride price if the husband takes her back before the expiry of her waiting period [162] The scholars are in consensus that if the waiting period has expired, he can propose to her and marry her by conducting a new marriage contract with a new bride price and witnesses, . The consensus is transmitted by Ibn al-Munthir, In Hazm, Ibn Qudaamah, al-Zarkashee, al-Buhootee, and al-Ruhaybaanee.
c. The woman during her revocable divorce waiting period can be subject to divorce, imprecation and Dhihaar: The scholars are in consensus that the woman during her revocable divorce waiting period is still considered a wife to the man. Hence, if the man enforces upon her divorce, imprecation or Dhihaar, it will take place. The consensus is transmitted by al-Shafi’i while al-Baghawee and Ibn Rushd transmitted the agreement of scholars that issued divorce during her revocable divorce waiting period is effective and takes place.