1- Kind Treatment
Parents’ rights over their children include being kind to them.
2- Mothers ought to be treated with more kindness than the father
The right of the mother to kind treatment is greater than that of the father.
3- Kindness to sinful or disbelieving parents
The four Madhabs agree that parents’ rights over their children include being kind to them even if they were sinners or disbelievers, and so long as obeying them does not involve a sin or cause harm.
4- Spending on parents
Parents’ rights would include spending on them if they were poor [329] See Section 1 of Chapter 2 of the Book of Maintenance .
5- Serving parents
Parents’ rights include serving them and looking after their needs.
6- Treating parents with humility and humbleness and speaking to them gently
Parents’ rights include treating them humbly and speaking to them gently.
7- Obeying parents
A. Obeying parents in matters that are deemed good
Parents’ rights include obeying them in matters that are considered good.
B. Obeying parents if they order their children to seek divorce
The son ought to obey his parents if they ask him to divorce his wife only if the parents were pious and religious, and the reason they ordered him to divorce her is not to serve their own personal benefit or interest.
8. The ruling on disobeying the parents
The scholars are in consensus that disobeying parents is forbidden, and it is one of the major sins in Islam. This consensus is transmitted by Ibn ‘Abd al-Barr, Aboo al-Abbaas al-Qurtubee, Abu Abdullah Shams al-Deen al-Qurtubee, al-Nawawee, al-Dhahabi, Ibn Hajar al-Haytami, and al-Saawee.