Included into the sale of land are the buildings and trees on it, according to the consensus of the following schools: Hanafis, [2172] See: "Al-Bahr Al-Raiq" by Ibn Nujaym (5/318), and "Bada'i al-Sana'i" by al-Kasani (5/164). Malikis, [2173] See: "Hashiyat ad-Dasuqi 'ala ash-Sharh al-Kabir" (3/170), "Minh al-Jalil" by 'Ulaysh (5/281). Shafis, [2174] See: "Mughni al-Muhtaj" by al-Sharibini (2/81), "Nihayat al-Muhtaj" by al-Ramli (4/119). and the Hanbalis. [2175] See: "Al-Mubdi'" by Burhan al-Din Ibn Muflih (4/51), "Al-Insaf" by al-Mardawi (5/46). This is what the majority of scholars are upon. [2176] Al-Kasani said: "If the item sold is land and no specifications were mentioned, built structures and trees on it are included in the sale, but crops and fruits are not included according to the majority of scholars". See: "Bada'i al-Sana'i" (5/164).