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Al-‘Aadiyaat - سورة العاديات
Introduction of Sura

This surah is called Surat Al-'Adiyat. [563] See: Al-Fayruzabadi: Basa?ir Dhawi At-Tamyiz, 1/537.

Makki or Madani?
Surat Al-'Adiyat is Makki, and it was narrated that there was consensus regarding that. [564] Those who narrated that there was consensus regarding that include Al-Biqa?i. See: Al-Biqa?i: Masa?id An-Nazr, 3/237.

The most important objectives of this surah include:
Highlighting the innate nature of man, and urging him to do righteous deeds as provision for him in the hereafter. [565] See: At-Tantawi: At-Tafsir Al-Wasit, 15/481.

The most significant topics addressed in Surat Al-?Adiyat include:
The oath sworn by the horses; highlighting the immense virtue of jihad and those who strive in jihad.
2- Man's ingratitude and his innate nature whereby he has an intense love of wealth and is eager to acquire it.
3- Reminding people that ahead of them is the reckoning after death, and urging them to acquire provision for the hereafter by doing righteous deeds.

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