Al-Hadeed - سورة الحديد
Introduction of Sura
This surah is called Surat Al-Hadid. [368] See: Al-Fayruzabadi: Basa?ir Dhawi At-Tamyiz, 1/453; Tafsir Ibn ?Ashur, 27/353.
Makki or Madani?
Surat Al-Hadid is Madani; more than one of the commentators narrated that there was consensus regarding that. [369] Those who narrated that there was consensus regarding that include: Al-Qurtubi, Ibn Taymiyah and Al-Biqa?i. See: Tafsir Al-Qurtubi, 17/235; Ibn Taymiyah: Al-Iman, p. 182; Al-Biqa?i: Masa?id An-Nazr, 3/57.
The most important objectives of this surah include:
The manifestations of Allah's might; His sublime attributes. [370] At-Tantawi: At-Tafsir Al-Wasit, 14/195.
Calling the believers to adhere to the teachings of their religion. [371] Ibid.
The most significant topics addressed in Surat Al-Hadid include:
1- The surah begins by stating that everything in the heavens and on earth glorifies Allah and praises Him Allah, may He be Glorified and Exalted, by mentioning some of His names and attributes.
2- Some of the manifestations of Allah's might, the vastness of His dominion, and the all-encompassing nature of His knowledge.
3- Urging the believers to remain steadfast in their faith and to spend in Allah's cause.
4- Highlighting the good outcome for the believing men and women on the Day of Resurrection, and the bad outcome for the hypocrites, and the conversations that will take place between the two groups.
5- Urging the believers to be mindful of Allah and fear Him; warning the Muslims against falling into that which will lead to hardheartedness, as happened to the People of the Book.
6- The reward of the charitable who give to Allah a goodly loan.
7- The fate of this world, and the call to give precedence to the hereafter over this world, and to that which will abide over that which is transient.
8- Affirmation that everything happens by the will and decree of Allah.
9- Statement that the divine messages came from the same source, and pointing out the wisdom behind the sending of the Messengers and Books.