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At-Talaaq - سورة الطلاق
Introduction of Sura

This surah is called Surat At-Talaq. [406] See: Tafsir Al-Qasimi, 9/249.

Makki or Madani?
Surat At-Talaq is Madani; more than one of the commentators narrated that there was consensus regarding that. [407] Those who narrated that there was consensus regarding that include: Ibn ?Atiyyah, Ibn Al-Jawzi, and Al-Qurtubi. See: Tafsir Ibn ?Atiyyah, 5/295; Tafsir Ibn Al-Jawzi, 4/295; Tafsir Al-Qurtubi, 18/147.

The most important objectives of this surah include:
Highlighting the rulings having to do with divorce, and what results from it. [408] See: Al-Biqa?i: Nazm Ad-Durar, 20/146, 147; Tafsir Ibn ?Ashur, 28/293; At-Tantawi: At-Tafsir Al-Wasit, 14/439.

The most significant topics addressed in Surat At-Talaq include:
The prescribed way of divorce and what follows it of the 'iddah and making arrangements for breastfeeding, maintenance and accommodation.
2- Bringing people to bear witness to the divorce or taking back one's wife (after divorce)
3- Prohibition on harming divorced wives or harassing them to make their lives difficult.
4- Repeated reminders of the obligation to be mindful of Allah, may He be Glorified and Exalted, and to make sure to carry out obligations imposed by Islamic teachings.
5- The good consequences of putting one's trust in Allah.
6- The bad fate of those who rebelled against the command of their Lord and opposed His messengers.
7- Reminding the ummah of Allah's mercy towards them, as Allah sent His Messenger (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) to them.
8- The good fate of the sincere believers.
9- The surah ends with words that highlight the perfect might of Allah and the vastness of His knowledge.

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