Luqmaan - سورة لقمان
Introduction of Sura
This surah is called Surat Luqman. [225] See: Al-Fayruzabadi: Basa?ir Dhawi At-Tamyiz, 1/370; Tafsir Ibn ?Ashur, 21/137.
Makki or Madani?
Surat Luqman is Makki.
[226] Ibn Al-Jawzi attributed this view to the majority of scholars. See: Tafsir Al-Jawzi, 3/429.
The most important objectives of this surah include:
Addressing the human individual with that which will make him happy and cause him to live a good life. [227] At-Tantawi: At-Tafsir Al-Wasit, 11/108.
The most significant topics addressed in Surat Luqman include:
1- Praise for the Holy Quran; it is guidance and mercy for the believers; some of the characteristics of the believers.
2- Some of the characteristics of the polytheists who mock the verses of Allah and turn away from them.
3- Establishing proof of the oneness and might of Allah, may He be Glorified and Exalted.
4- Luqman and what he was given of wisdom; his advice to his son, which included calling him to sound creed and noble characteristics, and advising him to do acts of worship and to be mindful of Allah.
5- Highlighting some types of the blessings that Allah bestows on His slaves; Allah's knowledge encompasses all things.
6- Condemning the polytheists for their being content to follow their traditions when they are called to reflect on the signs in the universe and to worship Allah, may He be Glorified and Exalted, Who created it.
7- Consoling the Messenger (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) for the polytheists? failing to believe.
8- Calling all people to fear Allah, may He be Glorified and Exalted, and not to be deceived by this world.
9- Mention of the five keys of the unseen, knowledge of which Allah has kept to Himself.