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Al-Muddath-thir - سورة المدثر
Introduction of Sura

This surah is called Surat Al-Muddaththir. [442] See: Al-Fayruzabadi: Basa?ir Dhawi At-Tamyiz, 1/488; Tafsir Ibn ?Ashur, 29/291.

Makki or Madani?
Surat Al-Muddaththir is Makki; more than one of the commentators narrated that there was consensus regarding that. [443] Those who narrated that there was consensus regarding that include: Ibn ?Atiyyah, Ibn Al-Jawzi and Al-Qurtubi. See: Tafsir Ibn ?Atiyyah, 5/362; Tafsir Ibn Al-Jawzi, 4/358; Tafsir Al-Qurtubi, 19/59.

The most important objectives of this surah include:

The command to take on the burden of calling people to Allah and doing what is required in order to do that. [444] Al-Biqa?i: Masa?id An-Nazr, 3/135.

The most significant topics addressed in Surat Al-Muddaththir include:

1- Honouring the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) and commanding him to convey the message of Allah to people.
2- Consoling the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) for what befell him of trouble and annoyance, and warning his enemies of the worst kinds of punishment.
3- Highlighting the good fate of the believers and the bad fate of the disbelievers.
4- Refuting the disbelievers with arguments that will prove their claims to be wrong.

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