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Ash-Sharh - سورة الشرح
Introduction of Sura

This surah is called Surat Ash-Sharh. [537] See: Al-Fayruzabadi: Basa?ir Dhawi At-Tamyiz, 8/547; Tafsir Ibn ?Ashur, 30/407.

Makki or Madani?
Surat Ash-Sharh is Makki. More than one of the commentators narrated that there was consensus regarding that. [538] Those who narrated that there was consensus regarding that include: Al-Mawardi, Ibn ?Atiyyah and Al-Qurtubi. See: Tafsir Al-Mawardi, 6/296; Tafsir Ibn ?Atiyyah, 5/467; Tafsir Al-Qurtubi, 20/104.

The most important objectives of this surah include:
Highlighting how honoured the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) is in the sight of his Lord (%). [539] See: Tafsir Ibn ?Ashur, 30/413, 414.

The most significant topics addressed in Surat Ash-Sharh include:
1- Listing the blessings that Allah bestowed upon His Messenger (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him), which include: filling his heart with reassurance and comfort, and exalting for him his renown. And Allah promised him that He would relieve him of what had befallen him of hardships and tests.
2-The command to the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) to persist in doing righteous deeds, to hope for that which is with Allah, and to focus on remembering Him.

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