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Adh-Dhaariyyaat - سورة الذاريات

ﮝ ﮞ ﮟ ﮠ ﮡ ﮢ ﮣ ﮤ ﮥ ﮦ ﮧ ﮨ ﮩ ﮪ ﮫ ﮬ ﮭ ﮮ ﮯ ﮰ ﮱ ﯓ ﯔ ﯕ ﯖ ﯗ ﯘ

Overall meaning : On earth there are countless signs of Allah’s oneness and power to resurrect the dead for those who believe in Him with absolute certainty. There are also signs of Allah’s oneness and power in yourselves. Can you not, then, see them?!
And in the heavens is your sustenance (such as rain) and all sorts of divine decrees, as well as all that you are promised.
I swear by the Lord of the heavens and the earth that all this is the very truth—just as true as the fact that you can speak.

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