Al-Kahf - سورة الكهف
Introduction of Sura
This surah has two names:
Surat Al-Kahf [151] See: Al-Fayruzabadi: Basa?ir Dhawi At-Tamyiz, 1/297.
It was narrated that An-Nawwas ibn Sam'an (may Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) mentioned the Dajjal one day? and that the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: ?Whoever among you lives to see him, let him recite the opening verses of Surat Al-Kahf against him.? [152] Narrated by Muslim, 2937
Surat As-hab Al-Kahf
It was narrated that An-Nawwas ibn Sam'an (may Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) mentioned the Dajjal one day? and that the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: Whoever among you lives to see him, let him recite the opening verses of Surat As-hab Al-Kahf against him.? [153] Narrated by At-Tirmidhi, 2240; An-Nasa?i: As-Sunan Al-Kubra, 10783.
Virtues and characteristics:
Reciting Surat Al-Kahf is a means of tranquillity (sakinah) coming down
It was narrated from Al-Bara' ibn Azib (may Allah be pleased with them) that a man recited Al-Kahf, and in the house there was an animal which took fright. He looked and saw that a cloud had overshadowed it. He mentioned that to the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) and he said: Recite, So and so, for it is tranquillity (sakinah) [154] It was said that what is meant is angels, with whom is tranquillity; or that tranquillity is something created by Allah, may He be Glorified and Exalted, in which there is reassurance and mercy, and with it come angels who listen to the Qur?an. See: Al-?Ayni: ?Umdat Al-Qari, 16/146. that came down when the Qur?an (was recited), or that came down because of the Qur?an.? [155] Narrated by Bukhari, 3614; Muslim, 795.
Memorizing the first ten verses of Surat Al-Kahf will protect one against the Dajjal.
It was narrated that An-Nawwas ibn Saman (may Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) mentioned the Dajjal one day? and that the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: Whoever among you lives to see him, let him recite the opening verses of Surat Al-Kahf against him.? [156] Narrated by Muslim, 2937
It was narrated from Abul-Darda' (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: Whoever memorizes ten verses from the beginning of Surat Al-Kahf will be protected against the Dajjal.? [157] Narrated by Muslim, 809.
It is one of the earliest surahs and was one of the first to be memorized by the Companions.
It was narrated from Abdullah ibn Masoud (may Allah be pleased with him) that he said: Bani Isra?il, Al-Kahf, Maryam, Ta-Ha, and Al-Anbiya' are among the earliest surahs and are among the first surahs that I learned. [158] Narrated by Al-Bukhari, 4739.
The entire surah is clear and unambiguous (muhkam).
It was narrated that there was consensus that nothing in it is abrogated (mansukh). [159] See: Hibbatullah ibn Salamah: An-Nasikh wa?l-Mansukh, p. 117; Muhammad ibn Hazm: An-Nasikh wa?l-Mansukh, p. 44.
Makki or Madani?
Surat Al-Kahf is Makki, and it was narrated that there was consensus regarding that. [160] Those who narrated that there was consensus regarding that include: Ibn Al-Jawzi, Al-Fayruzabadi and Al-Biqa?i. See: Tafsir Ibn Al-Jawzi, 3/63; Al-Fayruzabadi: Basa?ir Dhawi At-Tamyiz, 1/297; Al-Biqa?i: Masa?id An-Nazr, 2/240.
The most important objectives of this surah include:
Correcting belief, correcting ways of thinking, and correcting values in accordance with the standard of sound belief.
The most significant topics addressed in Surat Al-Kahf include:
1- Praising Allah, may He be Glorified and Exalted, for sending down the Book to His slave; the description of this Book as of unerring soundness, with no crookedness therein, bringing glad tidings and warnings.
2- Whatever is on the face of the earth is an adornment for it, which Allah has made as a test and trial.
3- The story of the people of the Cave.
4- The trial of wealth, as mentioned in the story of the owner of the two gardens.
Giving a likeness for the life of this world which proves that its nature is transient and that its adornment will cease.
5- Some of the events of the Day of Resurrection.
6- The enmity of Iblis towards Adam and his offspring, and how he rebelled against the command of his Lord.
7- Allah?s way of dealing with the wrongdoers and how He destroys them; Allah's mercy and His giving respite to the sinners until an appointed time.
8- The story of Musa (peace be upon him) and the righteous slave.
9- The story of Dhul-Qarnayn.
10- Proving the falseness of ascribing partners to Allah and a warning to those who do that; a description of what Allah has promised to the believers.
11- Giving a likeness of the vastness of Allah's knowledge; the Quran is revelation from Allah, may He be Glorified and Exalted, to His Messenger (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him).