Overall meaning :
Allah, Exalted be He, mentions some of the blessings He has bestowed on mankind: He sends down rain from the sky, with which He revives the earth and brings forth plants from it after it has been dry and dead. Surely in this there is certainly a sign of Allah’s power to resurrect the dead for people who listen to this proof, ponder over it and comprehend it.
Then He points out another aspect of His oneness and supreme power: In the grazing livestock, too, you have a worthy lesson and a sign that Allah alone is worthy of worship: We give you to drink of what is in their bellies, from between the dung and blood, pure, delicious milk, that is pleasant to those who drink it and easy for them to swallow. And from the fruits of the palm trees and the grapevines you derive both intoxicants (this was revealed before intoxicants became prohibited) and wholesome provision, such as dates, grapes and juice. Surely in this blessing there is a proof of Allah’s power for people who comprehend His signs, reflect on them and acknowledge His oneness and absolute power.
The Almighty further mentions another proof of His oneness and supreme power: Your Lord, Muhammad, has inspired the bees, saying: Take up homes in the mountains, trees and in what people construct. Then eat of every kind of fruit and follow the ways your Lord has made easy for you to seek sustenance. From their bellies comes forth honey, a drink of varying hues—white, yellow and red, among other colours—in which there is healing for humans. Surely in this there is a strong proof of Allah’s ultimate power for people who reflect on the greatness of their Creator and realise that He alone is deserving of worship.