Overall meaning :
The Almighty states that those who deal in interest (usury) will not rise up from their graves on the Day of Resurrection except as one whom Satan has dominated and smitten into insanity; for they falsely claim that the objective of trade that Allah has permitted and interest is the same, namely to secure gains and earn a livelihood. How can one, therefore, be permitted and the other forbidden? The Almighty refutes their erroneous assertion, declaring that He has permitted profits generated from trade activities and has prohibited interest, and so the two are by no means similar. Thus, those who have received this warning regarding the prohibition of taking and charging interest and desist from dealing in it altogether will be pardoned for the past and may keep their previous gains, and it will be for Allah to aid or forsake them in this respect, or to pardon or punish them: He will forgive them if they show sincere repentance, otherwise He will mete out punishment to them. But those who return to dealing in interest after such prohibition and persist in doing so have become deserving of Hell to remain in it forever unless their faith prevents them from eternal punishment.
Allah Almighty then mentions that He destroys interest and makes the earnings of those dealing in it devoid of all blessing; conversely, He increases and multiplies the reward of those who give to charity. Allah Almighty does not love those who are ungrateful to Him, consider interest lawful and persist in sin by insistently dealing in interest.
Next, He promises those who believe, do good deeds, duly perform the prescribed prayers and pay the prescribed zakat to those eligible for it that their reward is with Him, Exalted be He, and that they will have nothing whatsoever to fear in the hereafter, nor will they grieve for whatever they leave behind in the life of the world.
After that, He admonishes the believers to fear Him and give up any interest in any transaction involving interest entered into at the time of receiving the divine warning, if they are true believers. If they do not do so, then they should know, and let others know, that Allah warns them of the declaration of war against them by Himself and by His Messenger, may Allah bless him and grant them peace. If, however, they repent and desist from usurious interest, they may retain their principal without interest but only from debts due to them, do no wrong by receiving a certain interest rate, and not being wronged by not returning to others their capital deficient. If the debtor is facing insolvency and does not have funds to pay off the capital due to others, they should grant him a delay until it is easy for him to discharge his debt, but if they waive the sum as charity it will be better for them than giving him a respite until he can pay his debt back, if they but knew the virtue of doing so.
Allah then commands people at large to be mindful of the day when they will all be brought back to Him, after the end of the world and the destruction of everything in it. On that day, every person will be justly repaid by their Lord according to their deeds, without having the reward for their good deeds decreased in the least, nor having the punishment for their evil deeds increased at all.