Overall meaning :
Allah Almighty reminds the Children of Israel (the progeny of Jacob, peace be upon him) of the favours He has bestowed upon them and commands them to fulfil the covenant they made with Him and, in return He will grant them what He has promised them, namely admitting them into Paradise. He also reminds them to fear and revere Him.
He further commands them to believe wholeheartedly in the Qur’an, which confirms the truth already in the Torah that is with them, and forbids them to be the first to deny the Qur’an and the prophet to whom it was revealed. He also prohibits them to sell His signs for a paltry price by disbelieving in Him and in what He has sent down, conceal the truth mentioned in their scripture in exchange for the life of the world and its pleasures; and He commands them to fear none but Him.
He also forbids them to mix the truth with falsehood and warns them against concealing the truth while they know it—and they certainly know the dire consequences for doing so. He, moreover, commands them to duly perform the prayers, pay the prescribed zakat and pray in congregation along with the believers.
Allah then disapproves of their enjoining people to believe and do good and not practise what they preach while they read the Torah and are fully aware of its teachings. Do they not have minds to point out their error?!
Next, the Almighty instructs His believing servants to seek help in patience and prayer in all their affairs, stating that the prayer is an exacting duty except for the humble and devout, who know for certain that they will meet their Lord and that they will be returned to Him on the Day of Judgement.