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Taa Haa - سورة طه

ﰌ ﰍ ﰎ ﰏ ﰐ ﰑ ﭑ ﭒ ﭓ ﭔ ﭕ ﭖ ﭗ ﭘ ﭙ ﭚ ﭛ ﭜ ﭝ ﭞ ﭟ ﭠ ﭡ ﭢ ﭣ ﭤ ﭥ ﭦ ﭧ ﭨ ﭩ ﭪ ﭫ ﭬ ﭭ ﭮ ﭯ ﭰ ﭱ ﭲ ﭳ ﭴ ﭵ ﭶ ﭷ ﭸ ﭹ ﭺ ﭻ ﭼ ﭽ ﭾ ﭿ ﮀ ﮁ ﮂ ﮃ ﮄ ﮅ ﮆ ﮇ ﮈ ﮉ ﮊ ﮋ ﮌ ﮍ ﮎ ﮏ ﮐ ﮑ ﮒ ﮓ ﮔ ﮕ ﮖ ﮗ ﮘ

Overall meaning : Almighty Allah says, reminding Moses, peace be upon him, of some of the favours He bestowed upon him: We bestowed Our favour upon you before this time as a baby, when We inspired your mother to do something great for your own safety, saying, ‘Place him in a chest and cast the chest into the Nile. By My command and power, the Nile will cast him ashore, and he will be taken by Pharaoh, an enemy of Mine and his.’ I have bestowed My love upon you and made people feel love for you, so that you would be brought up before My watchful eyes and under My care and protection.
One aspect of such care, protection and the favour I have bestowed upon you, which must be remembered, is when your sister followed you and asked those who had picked you up, ‘Shall I direct you to someone who will nurse him and take care of him?’ Thus did We reunite you with your mother and restore you to her so that she could rejoice at your return and safety and not grieve your loss. Again, you unintentionally killed the Coptic man, and We saved you from great distress, and We tested you by subjecting you to ordeals from which We delivered you. Then you left for Midian in a state of fear and you stayed amongst its people for a number of years. You then came to the sacred valley at the time We have ordained to grant you prophethood, just in accordance with My decree and will. I have bestowed such numerous blessings upon you, Moses, to be My beloved servant and a messenger to convey My message.’

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