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An-Nur - سورة النور

ﭾ ﭿ ﮀ ﮁ ﮂ ﮃ ﮄ ﮅ ﮆ ﮇ ﮈ ﮉ ﮊ ﮋ ﮌ ﮍ ﮎ ﮏ ﮐ ﮑ ﮒ ﮓ ﮔ ﮕ ﮖ ﮗ ﮘ ﮙ ﮚ ﮛ ﮜ ﮝ ﮞ ﮟ ﮠ ﮡ ﮢ ﮣ ﮤ ﮥ ﮦ ﮧ ﮨ ﮩ ﮪ ﮫ ﮬ ﮭ ﮮ ﮯ ﮰ ﮱ ﯓ ﯔ ﯕ ﯖ ﯗ ﯘ ﯙ ﯚ ﯛ ﯜ ﯝ ﯞ ﯟ ﯠ ﯡ ﯢ ﯣ ﯤ ﯥ ﯦ ﯧ ﯨ ﯩ ﯪ ﯫ ﯬ ﯭ ﯮ ﯯ ﯰ ﯱ ﯲ ﯳ ﯴ ﯵ ﯶ ﯷ ﯸ ﯹ ﯺ ﯻ ﯼ ﯽ ﯾ ﯿ ﰀ ﰁ ﰂ ﰃ

Overall meaning : Tell the believing men, Muhammad, to turn their eyes away from what Allah has forbidden them to look at and to guard their private parts against what He has forbidden. That is purer for their hearts. Allah is ever watching them and has knowledge of all their actions. And tell the believing women to turn their eyes away from what Allah has forbidden them to look at and to guard their private parts against what Allah has forbidden; not to reveal their adornments to other men except what necessarily appears of them (the outward garments), and to draw their head coverings over the top opening of their garments, taking care to cover their necks and bosoms. They should not reveal their hidden adornments except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands’ fathers, their sons, their stepsons, their brothers, their brothers’ sons, their sisters’ sons, their fellow women, the male and female slaves they rightfully possess, male attendants with no desire for women or children who do not yet feel any desire for women because of their young age.
Nor should they intentionally stamp their feet when walking in order to draw attention to their hidden adornments (such as anklets). Repent and turn to Allah, all of you believers, by obediently observing His commands and refraining from unlawful lusts, so that you may attain success in this world and the next.

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