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Ghaafir - سورة غافر

ﯜ ﯝ ﯞ ﯟ ﯠ ﯡ ﯢ ﯣ ﯤ ﯥ ﯦ ﯧ ﯨ ﯩ ﯪ ﯫ ﯬ ﯭ ﯮ ﯯ ﯰ ﯱ ﯲ ﯳ ﯴ ﯵ ﯶ ﯷ ﯸ ﯹ ﯺ ﯻ ﯼ ﯽ ﯾ ﯿ ﭑ ﭒ ﭓ ﭔ ﭕ ﭖ ﭗ ﭘ ﭙ ﭚ ﭛ ﭜ ﭝ ﭞ ﭟ ﭠ

Overall meaning : Allah is Exalted far above all ranks and degrees, the Lord of the Mighty Throne. He sends down His revelation by His command to whomever He wills of His servants (i.e. the messengers) to warn people of the Day of Resurrection—the day when people will come forth from their graves and assemble in full view in one plain. Nothing whatsoever about them will be hidden from Him.
‘Whose is the absolute sovereignty today?’ Allah will ask. Then he will reply, ‘It is Allah’s, the One who has no partners, the Omnipotent who holds absolute sway over all things. Today every person will be repaid according to his deeds. There will no injustice today. Swift is Allah’s reckoning.’

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