Overall meaning :
The Almighty affirms that the Qur’an could not possibly have been produced by anyone other than Allah. He has revealed it, He points out, to confirm the scriptures He has previously revealed to His prophets and to provide a detailed explanation of the laws and religious duties He has prescribed for the Muslim nation. There is no doubt, therefore, that it is from the Lord of all the worlds.
And yet they claim that Muhammad has invented the Qur’an himself. 'Say to them,’ Allah instructs him, '“If I have invented it myself, then produce a surah of similar merit, for you are Arabs like me; and call on whomever you can besides Allah to help you in the task, if your claim that I have invented it is true.'’
Rather, the idolaters have rejected and disbelieved the Qur’an without grasping the knowledge it contains and before the punishment Allah has warned He would inflict on them for disbelieving it has taken place yet. Thus did those before them disbelieve the truth. See, then, Muhammad, the terrible fate of the past nations who disbelieved Allah’s signs.
that Among the idolaters, the Almighty points out, are those who will believe the Qur’an and repent of disbelief, and among them there are some who will never believe it and will persist in their unbelief until death. You Lord, Muhammad, is best aware of the evildoers.