Overall meaning :
We have created above you, people, seven heavens, one above the other. We are never unaware of Our creation.
We send down rain from the sky in due measure and in proportion to the needs of the creatures, causing it to lodge in the earth; and if We please, We can take it all away.
With it We produce for you gardens of palm trees and grapevines, yielding many fruits for you and from which you eat; as well as the blessed tree with diverse benefits—the olive tree—that springs forth in the lands around Mount Sinai, yielding oil and a kind of relish for all to eat.
And there is certainly a lesson and a sign of Allah’s power for you in your grazing livestock (camels, cattle, sheep and goats). We give you to drink from the milk in their bellies; you derive numerous benefits from them, and you eat of their flesh. On camels you are carried on land and on ships you are carried at sea.