Overall meaning :
Say, Muhammad, to the idolaters among your people who deny the resurrection, ‘To whom does the earth and all that is in it belong, if you have any knowledge?’ ‘To Allah,’ they will reply. Say to them, ‘Will you not, then, reason that the One who has created the earth and all that is in it is capable of bringing people back to life after death?!’
Ask them, ‘Who is the Creator, Ruler and Manager of the seven heavens, and of the Mighty Throne?’ ‘Allah,’ they will say. Say to them, ‘Will you not, then, fear His punishment and wrath?!’ Ask them, ‘Who is in total control of all things, who protects whomever He wills of His creation from any harm, while no one can protect anyone else from harm if He wills to inflict it on him, if you have any knowledge?’ ‘Allah,’ they will say. Say to them, ‘If you admit all this, how, then, can you mistake falsehood for truth, and be diverted from truth to falsehood?!’
Rather, We have brought them the proven truth, and they are certainly liars in their associating partners with Me and in their claim that the resurrection will not take place!
Never has Allah had any offspring whatsoever, as the Christians and others falsely claim; nor has there ever any other god besides Him. Were this otherwise, each god would take away whatever he has created and manage it according to his own law, and they would surely try to overcome one another, which would make it utterly impossible for all parts of the universe to function in perfect harmony. Glorified and Exalted is Allah above what they claim! He alone knows what is hidden from His creation and what they can see. High Exalted is He above the false gods they worship besides Him, and sublimely Exalted is He above all the defects and imperfections they attribute to Him!